Michelle Wright, AKA Mrs Stylewright - Personal Stylist and Colour Analyst

Secondhand Shopping

You can call it preloved, but it’s still second hand right?! But it’s all sustainable shopping but why should we shop for our clothes more sustainably? Yes the environment, our carbon footprint, taking a stand against the appalling working conditions abroad etc etc – OF COURSE! But also because it’s fun, it’s individual and it’s kinder to your wallet. Please don’t misunderstand me, I love a beautifully curated shop full of gorgeous colours and fabrics ready to envelope me in their loveliness, but I also love a good rummage through racks of mismatched bits and pieces to see what gems I can find. If your are put off by the thought of fusty, smelly shops please know that it’s not always like that, there are plenty of preloved shops that are just as beautifully curated as your favourite high street stores. And of course there’s online, quite possibly my favourite because I don’t even need to leave my sofa. The downside is that there is risk because if you don’t know what suits your shape or how certain brands fit you, you could end up making mistakes (something I can help you with) but the upside is that it’s not a costly mistake and you can sell it on and the process is the perfect way of finding what suits you, and what you love (and what you don’t) without it costing a fortune to you, or the planet. I’m not going to pretend that I’m never going to buy new again, because I do and I will, but it’s always a much more considered purchase, and I always check if someone’s selling it on Vinted first! 

And don’t forget my Swish! The perfect way to shop sustainably because you get to clear out your wardrobe as well. What’s not to love? Tickets and details here –

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Whether you’d like some tips on how to dress, have a few questions about my styling services, or would like me to come and speak at your event about all things style, I’m here for you – your go-to stylist.