I’m so sorry for the wording but I honestly can’t think of a less schmaltzy way of saying how blessed I am with my family. People often say how lucky we are that we all get on so well, and it’s true, I really am so lucky. I have 3 brothers and, at 47, I am the baby. My brothers were born quite close together and I was a ‘Happy Accident’ 12 years later. One brother lives locally so I see him regularly, one in France who I see as much of as I can – either he comes here, or we go and stay with him, and the other is just outside Manchester, and in recent years we’ve seen quite a lot of each other, and often all together, but Mark and I rarely spend time just the two of us until last week when I downloaded a couple of podcasts, got in my car and ventured oop north, and I’m so pleased that I did. We indulged ourselves in the things that we have a shared love for – art, art shops, chatting, cups of tea. Mark also loves unusual buildings (look up his urban sketches on Instagram, they’re very cool – @globalgerbil) so he encouraged me to notice more of what’s around me and to look up. I came home with a new sense of positivity and a fresh vigour, and that’s what doing a bit of what you love does for you.
What are you going to do?